Definition of Best School
Townsol Admin
October 18, 2023
What should be the criteria to call any school as “The Best School”?
Is it based on the success rate at the board examination? OR
Is the success rate of successful personalities from that school? OR
Is it just because everyone in the town/city says this is the best school OR
Is it because all rich people kids go to that school? OR
Is it because the school building surroundings and environment look beautiful? OR
Is it because the school has good extra-curricular like arts, sports, cultural activities OR
Is it because schools have highly qualified and well-paid teachers?
What is it? What do you think when you decide or insist on sending your child to a particular school?
What is your criteria to select school for your child?
So let us list all the criteria and/or guidelines for any school to be recognized as the BEST SCHOOL so that all schools in every corner of INDIA, who are not recognized as the BEST SCHOOL can learn, understand and improve to be the BEST SCHOOL
At the same time, let us HELP every school in our hometown district with the best of our ability to be the Best School, who does not have capability to fulfill the criteria of Best School.
At the end, this will make every school in India to fall in the category of Best School and every child will think that he/she is getting the best education in the world!
We will compile all the comments from TOWNSOL members and prepare a comprehensive report for all the schools for their ready reference.
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